Thursday, January 10, 2019

Flighty Vertebrates

A change of subject for my first post of 2019.

Around 2005 I won a Sigma 70-300mm AF lens - I think it was through a competition in Practical Photography.

Until this week I had never used it.

However, I finally own a camera with auto-focus, so I have been trying it out. With a DX sensor this translates to 450mm of there abouts. It sounds like a good length, so I thought I'd try and capture some birds, despite the serious lack of daylight here in Wales in January! It turns out that even with a fairly long lens, blue tits are very small, and plenty of stealth is still required.

I'll be back on the trail of very small and less flighty stuff soon!

The very first film in my picture archive is from winter 1981/2.
Taken using my dad's Exacta RTL1000 (I think he had recently purchased a Nikon FE, and so I was allowed to reverently use the Exacta).

Admittedly the squirrel is not so flighty!

Before I had access to the Exacta RTL1000 (which if I remember correctly, eventually developed a gammy winding mechanism, leading to intermittent multiple exposures, as did one of my three broken Zenit Lomos) I had my own Kodak Instamatic 126!

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