Friday, September 28, 2018

Not just a frog!

An assortment of captures from around the garden over the last couple of days.

Quercus Safari pt.3 - more galls

A few more galls discovered on the oak trees in this last week of September.

Mainly Common Spangle galls I think, plus a silk button gall, a couple of artichoke galls, and a knopper!
Artichoke galls, caused by Andricus foecundatrix

A silk button spangle gall, caused by Neuroterus munismalis
A very fresh looking, sticky purple knopper gall, caused by Andricus quercuscalicis

Rowntree fruit pastille gall

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Battery crisis leads to thoughts of Velvia

So it's been three weeks since I have taken any photos, thanks to a combination of slow postage, lost package, re-order lost package, broken charger, wrong charger sent in error, general nonsense...

It's been rather frustrating, but at last I have a working camera again. So just a few images today. I've acquired a couple of field guides so am hoping to be able to put names to images eventually.